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members of est=etika: Natalija ZAnoški, Anja Koršič Mravlje, Barbara Škraba, Tamara Rijavec, Viktorija Tekstor, Marina Katalenić, Eki Schweiger, Darko Plevnik, 2015


»It may be true that one has to choose between ethics and aesthetics, but it is no less true that whichever one chooses, one will always find the other at the end of the road.«
Film director Jean-Luc Godard

Est=etika is a non-governmental organization that germinated in 2013 out of cooperation with engaged individuals and communities in Ljubljana. By moving the core to Novo mesto, joining of the new members and new partnerships, it focused on research of ignored issues in (local) space: tactical and inclusive urbanism, exposure of existing architecture of quality and unconventional design, the importance of nature in the city, promoting sustainable mobility.

Most members are already involved in spatial issues as a part of their profession, but they notice, that physical interventions alone do not always provide comprehensive solutions. Multy-layered topics, which require long-term procedures, require interdisciplinary intertwining and, above all, raising awareness and involvement of various publics in decision-making processes. Trough the active joint actions of both, management and professional structures as well as the general public, including youth and children, there can be a change of attitude, building of responsibility and with that sense of belonging to the place. Indirectly, we hope to contribute to the establishment of a more inclusive and successful society. With funds from local and national tenders, members of est=etika can primary address overlooked issues, set an example of active citizenship and encourage the participation of various publics the the local level.

In 2018 est=etika received the Status of acting in the public interest in the field of spatial planning from Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning of the Republic of Slovenia.